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Necromanicide (Neh-Kro-Man-Ee-Syde) Death to Necromancy.

"Fall prostate before the Cross, bathe in the Blood of the Sacrifice..." - an exerpt from the song 'Necromanicide' by Mortification

Necromanicide favours the elements of hardcore, death, industrial and a touch of unblack. We are a Malaysian band. Please select the folders on your left or just send us some feedback.

Check out Necro's ASIAN site

it has the DEATH and UNBLACK look and feel !!!!

1997 TOUR Yes, Necromanicide has been doing Malaysian touring since many months ago. For more info please email at

Exciting News

In response to their mini Malaysian 1997 Tour, on 29th November 97, Necro played at their third Christian gig. On that awesome night,two other bands were playing, namely, Wired and Transection

The place was jammed pack. the mosh pit was incredible. (Ouch, my neck hurts as I typed this.). Firstly, Wired did a superb alternative/grunge sound. Man, it was really grungy and ideal for the moshing fellows. They were really cool. Next is Transection. An alternative band. The crowd was very supportive and responsive to their material. Finally, when Necro played, ...the mosh pit becomes BIGGER. Man, never have a good time like this since Mortification's performance.

MESSAGE FOR FANS: Finally, Pony Canyon's , Japanese recording label, migration problem is over. Yes, we have gotten the funds from them. Mastering and dupication of merchandise is on the way!!!

We strongly apologise for you many who has enquire on us the last few months , and most of all, those who have sent us cash & cheques for the merchandise. Thanks in advance. Please select "Urgent Request" on the left folder for further info and solution.

More exciting news here.

Thank you for visiting.

LinkExchange Member

Brought to you by D.M.M.
Last Modified December 9th , 1997
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